"Signs of Salvation" - Common Ground Contemporary


Pastor Bruce JohnsonFebruary 18, 2024Lent

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Passage: Mark 1:9-15

On the First Sunday in Lent, February 18th, 2024, Pastor Bruce Johnson took us through the profound narrative of "Signs of Salvation" . The sermon delved into the rich scriptural tapestries of Genesis 9:8-17, 1 Peter 3:18-22, and Mark 1:9-15, guiding us through the enduring symbols of God's covenant with humanity.

From the ancient symbol of the rainbow in Genesis, which sealed God's promise to Noah and all living creatures, to the waters of baptism that marked the beginning of Jesus' ministry in Mark, and the promise of salvation through Christ's suffering in 1 Peter, Pastor Johnson explored how these signs are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago.

We joined for a thought-provoking exploration of how these divine symbols and acts have echoed through the ages, shaping our understanding of redemption, covenant, and the transformative power of faith. Whether as lifelong believers or just curious about the Christian faith, the sermon offered fresh insights into the ways we perceive and receive the signs of salvation in our own lives. It was an opportunity to reflect and find renewal in the timeless truths of the scriptures.

Donna Parker, chairperson of Church Council, talked to the congregation about General Conference.

Miss Jane took Pender’s children on a magical storytelling adventure! She shared the incredible tale of Noah and his giant ark, straight from the pages of Genesis 9:8-17. Imagine, a huge boat filled with all kinds of animals, from the smallest ants to the tallest giraffes, sailing on a vast ocean! Miss Jane brought the story to life, making everyone feel like they were right there with Noah, watching the rainbow appear as a promise of hope and new beginnings. It was a day full of wonder, animals, and rainbows that left everyone amazed and smiling!

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Sermons in Lent