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"The Witness of Love" - Common Ground Contemporary

Pastor Bruce JohnsonApril 21, 2024Love, All Church

Passage: John 10:11-18

We embraced the warmth and wisdom of Easter's message on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, April 21, 2024. We joined together at Pender UMC as Pastor Bruce delivered a heartfelt sermon on "The Witness of Love," drawing upon the tender passages of John 10:11-18, Acts 4:5-12, and 1 John 3:16-24.

In that service, we contemplated the selfless love of the Good Shepherd, the courage of the apostles' testimony, and the practical implications of love in action as expressed in the Epistles. Pastor Bruce's sermon illuminated how love is not just a concept, but a living witness that resonates through our actions and defines our faith.

Whether we were with him in the pews or joining from the comfort of our homes, the service offered us a chance to reflect on how we can embody the love Jesus showed—a love that lays down life for others, a love that speaks truth to power, and a love that acts with compassion and conviction.

We gathered to honor the teachings of Christ and to carry the torch of His love into the world. On this Fourth Sunday of Easter, we stood as witnesses of love together.

The Praise songs by the Common Ground Band were “I Am Free” by John Egan; “Our God is an Awesome God” by Rich Mullins and “House of Prayer” by Eddie James followed by the Sending Song "How Great is Our God” by Chris Tomlin.

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